Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joos Cleanse Day 3



Some of us are having a hard time sticking with it, and others of us are enjoying it already! I highly encourage everyone to share/record their feelings both physically and emotionally.

The group is having two Joos's per day along with one cooked meal. You can eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as you like during the day. If you are working out you may have a whole food raw bar or a protein shake afterwards...OR YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT!

Depending upon your work schedule you can have your meal at lunch time or at dinner. Within the meal we are sticking to whole foods as well. A starch, vegetables, and legumes. We have tons of yummy recipes to share!

The first day was the worst for me because I cut my vice out completely! I went from drinking 2-3 STARBUCKS coffees/day to NONE.

YIKES... is Excedrin part of the cleanse?
No need to worry though, I have wised up. A little bit of coffee and the rest decaf as I gently ween myself from the beast. I love red teas, so I have been drinking those as well.

Our Joos's are all home made from Lauri and each day she incorporates a new root or veggie and shares the info. Today it was celery!

I wanted to share with everyone a recipe from an EXPERT CLEANSER, friend and client Suzanne.

She claims (and I believe her) that drinking this Potassium Broth can really help to offset the cold in the coming winter months.

Kripalu recipe:
4 c. grated potatoes (2-3 med pots)
1.5 c. grated carrots
1 c. sliced onion
3/4 c. scrubbed grated fresh beets
2 stalks celery, halved
1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley
1 bay leaf
10 c water
combine and bring to boil
reduce and simmer for 1 -3 hours
strain vegetables and discard
store in frig up to 3 days
suzanne's adaptation:
3-4 med potatoes scrubbed and cut into large chunks
3 carrots cut into large chunks and/or parsnips
1 onion peeled and cut into large chunks
1 fresh beet scrubbed and cut into large chunks
1 fennel root cleaned and cut into large chunks
1 cup of mixed fresh herbs (sage, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, etc)
1/4 c. dulce
1 whole head garlic with fine skin peeled off
10 c water
combine and bring to boil
reduce and simmer for 1 -3 hours
strain vegetables and discard
store in frig up to 3 days

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised the protein shakes are allowed because of the dairy. Yikes about the caffeine but that is great you have cut back. It usually takes me about three sraight days (of headaches) to kick the coffee. I love my coffee.

    Good luck. Love hearing how it's going. I would have liked to try this so pls keep us updated :-)


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