Friday, May 14, 2010


Oh whitefish how I love you.  
Nowadays whitefish is my best friend, breakfast, lunch, dinner and in between ;)

Here is an AMAZING recipe from my AMAZING MOM so you can all share in the love of whitefish.  Honestly this is soooooo yummyyy :)

 Baked fish a la dee
1 3/4 lbs fish
4 tbs olive oil
2 carrots, shredded
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
2 celery stalks, diced
1 tablespoon basil, dry
3-4 parsley sprigs, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 lemons, squeezed for juice
1/2 cup dry white wine (you may add 1/2 cup water with wine for more sauce)
salt and black pepper to taste

1. Wash fish, pat dry with paper towel and cut into 4 equal portions. Using a pastry brush, coat shallow roasting pan or oven wear dish with olive oil. Place fish in pan and coat lightly with olive oil, using pastry brush. Pour juice of two lemons over fish. Then, sprinkle fish with the chopped garlic. Add salt and pepper and set preparation aside.
2. In a teflon pan, add remaining oil, garlic and basil and saute for 3-4 minutes with celery, carrots and onions. Add wine, cook for 1 1/2 min. ( to burn off alcohol). Remove from heat.
3. Spoon vegetables and liquid on top of fish and place slice of lemon on each portion. Place preparation in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until fish is tender.

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