Thursday, December 3, 2009



something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.

:) I have two to ask of you.

I often write about the MYOFORCE VERSUS on my blog, those of you at the gym, know that we have had special access to this device for the past 6-7 months.
So of all people, WE know how AMAZING it is!!! Whether we are banging out partner intervals with presses and pulls, or using it to develop great ROM, for a dynamic warmup/activation or perhaps simply as a tool to progress us to more difficult exercises.

do Aaron a favor and review his product here!

You all know how much I am LOVING my Body Awakening Yoga Teacher Training with my man David Vendetti. I love the community and sense of trust and understanding that has been built at South Boston Yoga. This is especially apparent in the teacher trainees :) We are 100% open with eachother and we talk about our issues as well as ask for help when
we need it. We are always there for eachother, its like the FAMILY we chose and its great!

My Lady MARISSA has something that I KNOW WE CAN HELP HER WITH!

So here is the scoop:
We'd love to host you and 10-15 of your crew (friends/staff, etc.) at our shop on Newbury Street to try out EA Sports Active and More Workouts. We think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what a great workout you can get and some of the cool "personal trainer" elements it offers. We'd love to have you test it out and get your perspective.
We simply need you to commit to a date and get a crew together to come in at that time. You'll have the place to yourselves and we will show you how it all works and give you the time to play around. Then we'll give you all some goodies to thank you for your time. Pretty simple!

Sounds fun right?
SO they are hosting at their Newbury Street location until December 15th. Do you think you guys could skip a MOnday or Tuesday night class so that we could ALL GO THERE AND SUPPORT MARISSA AND HAVE FUN AT THE SAME TIME!??!??! THIS GIRL KNOWS HOW TO HAVE FUN ;)


  1. I'll skip a Monday or Tuesday night class and do that! :)

  2. woohooo get your man and friends to do it too


  3. I would be in but al my Monday and Tuesday nights before the 15th are taken. Sorry, sounnds like fun.

  4. let us know, we'll try to make it. what time?


Stacey's Favorite Fitness Tools: