Thursday, August 6, 2009

Flower Power

I was definitely naive to think that today could not be better than the days before. I now truly believe that life is what you make it.

From the moment I met David Vendetti I was in awe of his presence. Throughout this week he has managed to give all of us in the program a piece of him :) And you too can give those around you a piece of yourself, thus creating a better place for everyone you come into contact with.

Here is an example of something amazing that I helped to happen this afternoon.

When we rose from Savasana to the left of our mats was a flower :) It's crazy how happy one little flower can make you. David then told us that the flower was part of our homework. Intrigued I listened closely. We were to give this flower to someone to spread our Yoga to others. 57 of us left South Boston Yoga and scattered across the city.

I called JT and told him about the flower, he asked me who I was going to give it to. I told him I was thinking about my friend Shannon. He suggested I give it to one of the girls at my favorite coffee shop (he has great ideas). For those of you who don't know Southie, the gals at at Gourmet coffee can be a little rough around the edges ;) One of the girls is pregnant and I wanted to give her the flower.

I stood in line with my flower and ordered my usual coffee. I gave the mom- to- be the flower and she got very emotional and said that I made her day. She asked me if I wanted to know why and I agreed to listen. She said that orange was her husband's favorite color flower and that he had recently passed away.

Stunned I left and walked around the corner to my apartment.

Ahh the power of a single flower.


  1. Awe Stacey, I totally just teared up. That is so sweet - you certainly picked the right person to give your flower to. :)

  2. Never underestimate the power a simple act of kindness can have on someone's life. You made her day.


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